Thursday, March 3, 2016

How to write a sympathy card

As you will see on my profile I suffered a grievous loss in 2005 when my wife, Rachel, passed away at the age of 52, after a sudden brief illness. This is an experience that thousands of people have had before me and will have after me. However, the experience is individual for each case. My experience is described in my book, now available on, “The Wings of the Dawn, Finding God Beyond Religion and Darwinism, And Making Sense of Bereavement”. I show in the book that there is overwhelming evidence for life being eternal; the evidence comes from many diverse sources but they all point to the same conclusion.
At the time of Rachel’s passing I had been an agnostic for many years after turning away from an extreme version of Christianity. Her passing left me bewildered and wondering about the apparent futility of life that always ends in death. I then began searching for answers as to where Rachel had gone; I sensed her presence still around me.
Over more than five years of intensive searching and researching, I came to the conclusion that life never ends, and in fact doesn’t even really have a beginning. We are spirits, consciousnesses, that have always been in existence; our earthly existences are only a part of who we are. We exist in many dimensions and the physical body is just one vehicle that we use temporarily for certain purposes.
On this earth level we still feel the pain of our loss, but I found in my own case that this new understanding helped me to deal with the pain and find meaning in it. I know I am not fully separated from Rachel at all; it is merely a temporary separation of form, and our love keeps us in touch with each other. My continued existence on earth has a purpose, just as her exit had a purpose. I can move on to love another, with her blessing, and it does not take away from the love we had. True love expands and grows into infinite dimensions. This is true of any Love that we have experienced in any relationship, even for animals, not just a romantic relationship.  I think you need Condolence Messages sample to ready express your lost
I would love to hear from others about their own experiences.
Note: for anyone wishing to study the book,if there is any problem obtaining it, let me know and I can supply it direct to you. My condolences

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